s o l a r e s a l g u e r o
documentaries directed
by Edwin Solares

A conservation film holds a responsibility…
…to impact the being.
The trailer for a Film I'm directing and co-producing for FLAAR Mesoamerica, in collaboration with Mexico.
It is not entertainment, but you must entertain to captivate attention.
Wildlife documentation with intention is
however, sharing it with the public
is doubly urgent. Rearranged images in
suspension that envelop the attention.
Working alongside the scientific
research team
of FLAAR Mesoamerica
in the field study of Guatemala's rich ecosystems,
I've had the privilege of serving as
lead photographer and videographer
in the documentation of such an important topic,
as well as documentary film director.
In this production, we can understand a little bit better the
mystery of a fire-resistant palm tree.
a extremophile example of ecosistems associated with fire.
A species native to the
savanna ecosistems of
Laguna del Tigre.
An emphasis on how much is still unknown about it
and the important effords of research on this species,
as well as an invitation to researchers and scholars
to continue with the basework that FLAAR has created on its
contribution to science and conservation.
Guatemala's birds of paradise.
Birds from various adventures I captured in Guatemala, This is A REEL I produced to celebrate birds on October's Birding BigDay.
The Blue-green
melipona bee
Native of the Mesoamerican Dry Forest
My work along with FLAAR’S research team has taken me now to the tropical dry forest of Guatemala.
To a place I call “the center earth” not just because of it’s temperature but because of the fascinating weird flora and fauna we can find here.
Polinizing the Pereskia lychnidiflora cactus tree, variouos Halictidae family bees bathe in diligent spirit.
The home of a million bats
My very first documentary production for FLAAR Mesoamerica and for my career, this adventure took us to the depths of the Mayan jungle to the legendary home of the zotz. The bat deity's home.

A short documentation of the great Pakaya volcano, on the pacific slope of tropical Guatemala.
To express without a word and in an instant the might and power of the earth, a raging volcano floods the highland oak forest with fire.
The legendary jicara tree is a canon for Mayan culture as it represents Jun Junajpu, the father of the god twins who defeated the lords of the xib'ab'a.
A three-hour task turned into a few seconds Reel showcases the night-blooming flower open for the night polinizers to fertilize.
It is a heartwarming privilege to have been able to produce a video for the initiative that FLAAR Mesoamerica brings to the native children of Guatemala, a purpose that goes far and beyond for the local people and their future.
Watch MORE of my videos!
An introduction
to the Mayan Biosphere documentary project
Honored to be involved in the great Mayan Biosphere Reserve project conducted by FLAAR mesomaerica with the goal of documenting the biosphere. My job in the project is to serve as the lead photographer and film maker, as well as the producer of documentaries that are also directed by myself. In this presentation, you can see the introduction video to a series of videos that will share the whole documentation of our findings.
The largest flower of Central America and its secret strategy to achieve reporductive success.
The endangered orange-breasted falcon, but a personal and private sight of daily life when hunting time is over.
the uncanny encounter of the puma on the trail towards the strange lowland pinewood forest ecosistem. A sight that made us all shudder.
Just by the legendary Yaxha' lake in the Mayan biosphere, Don Goyo, a local man, sustains his family thanks to the honey of the precious Melipona native bees.
A long trail looking for the Guacamayas was almost a failure; if not for the slight sighting of a small flock in the distance, that's the flock we've been tracking. The live experience of watching them fly a distance was satisfying; it paid off.
An IG REEL for one of our expedition field trips